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For Executive Directors: Mental Health Must Be Prioritized in Every Workplace
In June, many staff of LNY providers gathered at LNY’s 2018 Conference at White Eagle.
lliteracy Among Us
Just today, I found out that comedian and actress Tiffany Haddish was functionally illiterate until High School.
For Executive Directors--Again!
Nonprofit staff need to find resources--preferably free --that can help them with their work.
New Adult Literacy Project: MINDS THAT MOVE US
The Minds that Move Us initiative is a challenge to communities to design innovative education and training models that create social equity and economic mobility for all.
For Executive Directors
Serving as the Executive Director of a nonprofit is a job like no other. Serving as the Executive Director of a volunteer based adult literacy organization can be even more challenging.
Support the Writings of Adult Learners
The Change Agent is a biannual magazine for adult educators and learners published by the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC) at World Education.
Effective Newsletters
Love them or hate them, newsletters are often the communications vehicle of choice for nonprofit organizations.
The Benefits of Volunteering: Volunteering 2 hours a week helps ease loneliness, study finds
We have long known at LNY that there are numerous benefits of volunteering.
Spotlight: LV Rochester's Digital Literacy Program
Some providers in the LNY network have created programming that responds to specific community needs.
The Simple Fundraising Recipe that Works for Every Non-Profit
Good recipes are a road map to a desired outcome—they can be easy or hard. They can take practice and require tinkering.
Tompkins Learning Partners (TLP) To Hold Sixth Annual Finger Lakes Crossword Competition
This event--the cruciverbalist event of the season--is an important fundraiser for TLP, a Literacy New York affiliated non-profit organization, which provides literacy tutoring, free of charge, for over 100 adults in the community
Literacy Leads to Long Life
Syracuse literacy advocate Ruth Johnson Colvin was named to the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1993 and awarded of the Presidential Medal of Freedom by former President George W. Bush in 2006.
E-Mail Anxiety
How can we handle the never ending emails? From our dear friend Vu Le at Nonprofit Absolutely Festive. He always has an entertaining perspective!
Literacy & Workforce Needs
We have all seen cities across the US scramble to show themselves off to Amazon. What city doesn’t want 50,000 jobs, right?
How to Make Giving Easy for Your Donors
For years, consumers have been buying products online through the experience provided to them by big brands.
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