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A Fifth of American Adults Struggle to Read. Why Are We Failing to Teach Them?
The investigative journalists at ProPublica wrote this powerful article outlining our country's approach to adult education, claiming that the U.S. "has so far neglected to connect the millions of people struggling to read with the programs set up to help them."
A Call to "Re-map the U.S. Adult Literacy Problem"
Our colleagues at ProLiteracy recently published this thoughtful 'white paper', First Things First: Re-Map the U.S. Adult Literacy Problem, a call to all of us who advocate for adult literacy learners to work together to create a clear vision for our field.
Immigrant and U.S.-Born Parents of Young and Elementary-School-Age Children
The Migration Policy Institute has released a report rich with data and analysis related to Immigrant and US-Born parents of young children, further underscoring the important work of programs supported by Literacy New York.
Adult Literacy Statistics
Our colleagues at ProLiteracy have published their 2019-20 Annual Statistical Report, based on member surveys conducted within their adult literacy cohort.
ProLiteracy uses this valuable data to advocate nationally on behalf of its member organizations, and encourages programs to use the data for local advocacy, awareness, and fundraising efforts. Great information for the field!
Trillions Lost in U.S. Due to Adult Literacy Rates
New Economic Study Finds the U.S. Could Be Losing $2.2 Trillion Annually Due to Low Adult Literacy Rates.
The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy just released this report that shows the impact of adult literacy on the U.S. economy. This report underscores the importance of basic skills education and the work of adult literacy providers, like those supported by Adult Literacy Education funding in New York State.
COVID-19 and Adult Literacy
Our colleagues at ProLiteracy compiled this report, COVID-19 RAPID RESPONSE REPORT FROM THE FIELD
The report is based upon real-time information gathered from adult literacy organizations as they shifted to distance services due to the pandemic this spring. It also includes "Key Takeaways" that can help programs navigating this new world. Check it out!
LINCS Resource for Teaching
This from our friends at LINCS, who offer Community, Courses, and Resources for Adult Education: Teaching the Skills That Matter.
The Teaching the Skills That Matter in Adult Education project (TSTM) trains teachers and tutors to integrate the skills that matter to adult students using approaches that work across critical topics. Using the project's tools and training, adult education practitioners can teach the transferable skills students need in these critical contexts. Check it out!
Literacy-focused Funding Available
The Wish You Well Foundation was established by accomplished author David Baldacci and his wife Michelle to help eradicate illiteracy in the U.S. The foundation provides financial support to foster and promote the development and expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs.
Adult Literacy Education Research
Our colleagues at ProLiteracy have released the Spring 2020 Adult Literacy Education Journal. The focus is on outcomes for adult literacy programs in a much broader sense than we typically consider. Our current social distancing may be providing us with a little more time to read research and resources—this is a great one to check out!
Temporary Guidance: ALE Funded Programs
Please find guidance for ALE funded programs in this powerpoint from the NYS Education Department.
N.Y.S. Education Department Provides Temporary COVID-19 Guidance
The New York State Education Department has provided guidance to funded Adult Education Programs, which include the providers funded by Adult Literacy Education (ALE) funding. Our intent is to keep our students engaged and learning during this time of social distancing-- stay well, everyone!
COABE Recognizes Need to Support Low Level Learners
The Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) calls upon all of us to expand our focus on workforce training to include supporting the 43 million working-age Americans with low literacy skills.
Remember to Thank Your Volunteers!
The article "How to Thank Volunteers in 2020" offers 20 ideas for thanking volunteers in 2020-- check it out. As all of us in the nonprofit world know, it is never enough to just recruit volunteers-- we need to keep them volunteering with us!
2020 Census: Pledge To Be Counted
An accurate count in the 2020 Census is vital to our families, our communities, and to the adult learners supported by our literacy programs.
ProLiteracy says:
The census determines how $800 billion annually is spent on programs affecting schools, housing, health care, and much more. The census will determine these allocations for the next 10 years.
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