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Longtime Literacy Warrior To Retire

Literacy New York is sending our highest accolades to LVR Executive Director, Robert (Bob) Mahar who recently announced that he will retire on July 19, 2019. Literacy New York recognizes his many years of hard work, his numerous accomplishments and his ardent desire to increase literacy in the Rochester region.
Taken from the LVR staff and LVR website https://literacyrochester.org/retiring/#.XHawYPZFyUl : As LVR’s third Executive Director in 55 years, Bob has led the organization through many changes and expansions.
“LVR and the people associated with the entire organization have made a significant impact on our community and my life. I leave with fond memories of LVR and a hope for its continued success,” explained Bob Mahar.
Under the leadership of Bob Mahar, LVR has gone through a rebranding with a new name and logo, achieved national accreditation, a physical move to its currently location at 1600 South Avenue, and major growth and diversification of programming, funding, and community partnerships. One of the latest expansions under Bob is the addition of the Learning Center at 1600 South Avenue. Through the generous support of Spectrum, the Learning Center provides expanded drop-in hours with free computer help, reading, English language and math support for anyone who needs it.
“While Bob moves into the next phase of his life and into retirement, I have great confidence in the future of Literacy Volunteers of Rochester. That is because of Bob’s leadership, commitment, and dedication over the last seventeen years. Through those attributes and his vision, Bob has set the foundation and paved the way for the future of Literacy Volunteers of Rochester. Because of Bob and the entire Literacy staff, the future of Literacy Volunteers of Rochester is secure, bright, and filled with promise,” remarked Rick Nangreave, LVR Board President.
“I and the entire board cannot begin to thank Bob enough for everything he has done for Literacy Volunteers of Rochester. We wish Bob the best in retirement and the best that life has to offer. Bob will be missed but never forgotten.”
To make the transition of leadership as smooth as possible, the Board of Directors led by Nangreave, has formed a Search Committee and begun the process of finding a new Executive Director. The Committee will announce its next steps soon.
LVR is a community leader in the cause of literacy. With a small staff and a large pool of trained volunteers, we improve the reading, English language, math, and digital literacy skills of adults in Monroe County, New York. Our services include: one-to-one tutoring, small group instruction, computer skill-building, drop-in support, conversation groups, and family literacy.
For more information, please call Rick Nangreave at (585) 473-3030.