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Literacy New York Expands Intake to Outcomes (I2O)

I2O is Literacy New York's online training platform, and includes volunteer and staff training created specifically for literacy and adult education programs.
I2O allows literacy organizations to offer tutor and staff training "on demand", as potential volunteers connect with local literacy providers and new staff is hired. Workshops are asynchronous, so participants can complete them on their own schedules. They are facilitated and monitored by experienced LNY trainers, and help is just an "ask" button away for participants should they have questions or issues. Available tutor training content includes Reading Basics, Language Basics, Math Basics, Numeracy, Employability Soft Skills, and staff training is available via LNY's Literacy Coordinator workshop.
The videos shot at LV Rensselaer allow LNY to complete our new Reading Skills and Concept workshop, designed for teachers, tutors, and small group leaders working with basic literacy learners on alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. This workshop will be "live" soon!
Pictures were taken on January 24, 2019--LVORC students with tutor Mary Krenceski and LNY’s Kathy Houghton spent the day taping instructional videos for I2O.