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LNY Supports Scrabble Events For Literacy

Several adult literacy organizations have taken advantage of this environment, using it as a perfect setting for various Scrabble themed events. The link to the mission—the game is all about letters and words—emphasizes its importance.
Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara, Literacy Nassau and Literacy CNY are all gearing up for their own unique events. There are numerous twists to an event like this and the literacy people like to make it fun—and memorable.
At the Literacy CNY SCRABBLEMania Tournament, teams of 8-10 players compete against each other to build the highest possible scoring SCRABBLE® board in 20-minute rounds of play. Prizes are awarded to each Round Champion, and one team will be named the Grand Champion.
The event includes game playing, refreshments, raffle prizes, and live entertainment from internationally acclaimed jazz musician and six-time SAMMY award winner Ronnie Leigh, accompanied by talented guitarist Marcus Curry. All proceeds help provide adults in Central New York with the literacy skills they need to break the inter-generational cycle of poverty and become economically self-sufficient.
Literacy Nassau holds (un)SCRABBLE, where teams compete in short, timed rounds, and the team that forms the highest-scoring words from their Scrabble tiles in each round is the winner. It is called (un)SCRABBLE because the format is slightly different from the regular game – all of the tiles are exposed and the teams scramble to fill their boards. The evening is fun-filled with superb food, beverages and dessert along with raffles galore! The money helps provide training and support to the volunteers who carry out the Literacy Nassau mission – helping the thousands of adults in Nassau County who can’t read well enough to decipher job applications, medication directions or notes from their children’s school.
Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara (LNYBN) has a different approach. They hold Scrabble®Fest, an annual initiative that promotes having fun through gaming and raises awareness and funds to fight illiteracy in the Western New York region. They hold kick off and concluding events but put most of their emphasis on encouraging people to hold Scrabble parties in their homes and in local restaurants and businesses throughout the region where a small fee is collected by the host. A winner from each event is invited to compete in the Scrabble®Fest Finals at the Buffalo Central Library where the Western New York Scrabble Champion is crowned.
LNY hopes that these events are successful in spreading the word about the need for adult literacy and in raising funds to support programs throughout New York State.