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Provider News: Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara

and raises awareness and funds to fight illiteracy in the Western New York region.
Scrabble®Fest parties have been held in local homes, businesses and organizations during January, February, March and April. Funds raised during the Scrabble®Fest season directly support adult literacy programming at Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara (LNYBN).
As the ladies at LNYBN wrote: We love Scrabble®Fest because we believe it ties in perfectly with our mission, helping adults learn to create and form words. We are so proud that this annual fundraiser has been successful for over a decade, something that doesn't always happen with nonprofits. We are truly thankful.
The organization also honored volunteer Juanita Casullo and her family for their 10 years of support in hosting Scrabble®Fest events, raising nearly $13,000 for literacy!