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Provider News: More Agency Scrabble Events Promote Literacy; Raise Much Needed Funds
by [email protected]_DELETED1562089377
Literacy New York Buffalo Niagara (LNYBN) recently kicked off their Scrabble®Fest, an annual initiative that promotes having fun through gaming and raises awareness and funds to fight illiteracy in the Western New York region.
This kickoff celebration is the first of many Scrabble®Fest parties to be held in Erie and Niagara Counties. The key to LNYBN's take on the Scrabble event is to encourage people to host scrabble parties in their homes over the course of a three month period—charge a small (or large) fee—and donate the proceeds to LNYBN. This engages the community, spreads awareness and raises money. Win-win!
Over the next several weeks, parties will be held in people's homes and public parties will take place in local restaurants and businesses throughout the region. A winner from each event will be invited to compete in the Scrabble®Fest Finals on April 27, 2017 at the Buffalo & Erie County Library where the Western New York Scrabble Champion will be crowned.
For more information on hosting a Scrabble®Fest or literacy advocacy in the Buffalo-Niagara region contact Literacy New York Buffalo-Niagara at 876-8991, or [email protected].
For further information in other areas of New York State, find the literacy organization in your area at: https://www.literacynewyork.org/locations/browse