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Literacy New York Supports Read Across America Day 2022!

If we are going to create more readers, more writers, and people who feel included and recognized across America, we need to open up reading and writing to all, including the 54% of U.S. adults lacking proficiency in literacy (Forbes; 2020/09/09). We focus resources and attention on literacy issues with children, ignoring the fact that often children go home to parents who struggle with reading, writing, and other basic skills. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health states "a mother's reading skill is the greatest determinant of her children's future academic success, outweighing other factors, such as neighborhood and family income."
There is an answer-adult education and literacy programs. Many of the adult learners enrolled in programs supported by Literacy New York are parents, and we see firsthand how their participation lifts them, their families, and their communities. Teachers and volunteer tutors at adult education programs offer a way up and out, with classes, small groups, and one to one tutoring sessions. To find a program near you, whether to seek services or volunteer, click on "Locations" in the toolbar above.
Support adult education and literacy so that we truly can "Read Across America"