Guest Blog By David Smith, Tompkins Learning Partners

The City Federation of Women's Organizations (CFWO) awarded grants to 18 projects working to improve the lives of women and girls in Tompkins County. Tompkins Learning Partners received a grant for the project, Homebound Instructions for Immigrant and Refugee Women. Helen Ranck, ESL Program Coordinator and Joann Kowalski, ABE Program and Outreach Coordinator, were on hand to receive the check.
TLP's funding will provide materials for student who are unable to come to our office to study siince they may lack transportation or financial means or have health or childcare concerns. With improved English skills, the women will be able to communicate better, improve their employment, and increase their independence.
The CFWO has a long history of supporting Tompkins women and girls. The organization was founded in 1910 by a group of women "concerned with education, recreation, philanthropy, health, safety and civic betterment," according to a media release. The CFWO operated a Women's Community Building until 2012, when they sold the property and created an endowment with the revenue to fund community projects.
Tompkins Learning Partners is grateful to CFWO for their award to this most important initiative!